Scleral Contact Lenses

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Although scleral lenses have been around for a very long time, success was limited, because it was difficult to get oxygen to the cornea. Corneas are avascular and receive oxygen from the atmosphere. In recent years, drastic advances have been made with manufacturing techniques, gas permeable materials and very sophisticated equipment such as Optical Coherent Tomography and Corneal Topography. This has resulted in scleral lenses becoming hugely successful in fitting people with irregular corneas, whom otherwise were destitute and had run out of options to regain good vision.

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Scleral Contact Lenses – heaven sent for some

Value your eyes ocular health image

When contact lens fitting was in its infant years, the only material available was polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), a type of thermoplastic which, although it had good optical properties and could be machined easily, did not allow any oxygen to pass through the lens material. A scleral contact lens is a large contact lens which vaults […]

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