What Is Acanthamoeba Keratitis? Acanthamoeba are naturally occurring amoeba (tiny, one-celled animals), commonly found in water sources, such as tap...
Read MoreContact Lenses
Acanthamoeba keratitis: What contact lens wearers need to know
What Is Acanthamoeba Keratitis? Acanthamoeba are naturally occurring amoeba (tiny, one-celled animals), commonly found in water sources, such as tap...
Read MoreI am elated to share the story of how we restored a man’s confidence, who had been living with a...
Read MoreNever sleep in contacts (unless prescribed), keep all water away from contacts, never share contacts...
Read MoreAlthough scleral lenses have been around for a very long time, success was limited, because it was difficult to get...
Read MoreFirst, your contacts must address the problem that is prompting you to wear lenses in the first place. Your contact...
Read MoreBeing able to see well, for most, is essential to performing the activities of day to day life. Good vision...
Read MoreContact lenses can offer some distinct advantages over spectacles. In the first instance, while some people enjoy making a fashion...
Read MoreWhen contact lens fitting was in its infant years, the only material available was polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), a type of...
Read MoreWhen an optometrist takes on a patient and fits her with contact lenses, by law, he also assumes responsibility for...
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