– Ed

A swollen eyelid occurs when there is inflammation or excess fluid (oedema) in the connective tissues surrounding the eye. Swollen eyes may or may not be painful, and the condition can affect both the upper and lower eyelids.

There are many causes of a swollen eye, including eye infections, eye injuries or trauma, and (most commonly) allergies. Swelling of the eyelids can be a sign of a more serious, potentially sight- threatening orbital cellulitis, Graves’ disease and ocular herpes.

It’s important that you visit an Eye Care Professional for a thorough eye exam if your symptoms persist, worsen or change.

A swollen eyelid may be a symptom of allergies or a sign of a serious eye infection

  • Eye irritation, such as an itchy or scratchy sensation
  • Sensitivity to light (photophobia)
  • Excess tear production, resulting in watering eyes
  • Obstructed vision (depending on the extent of the swelling)
  • Redness of the eyelid
  • Red eyes and inflammation of the conjunctiva
  • Eye discharge
  • Eyelid dryness or flaking
  • Pain, particularly when swollen eyelids are caused by infection

Puffy vs. swollen eyes

The term “puffy eyes” often is interchangeable with “swollen eyes.” Swollen eyes is generally used to describe an immune response to allergy, infection or injury, whereas “puffy eyes” is more likely used to refer to the external physical characteristic of swollen eyes from water retention, lack of sleep, or genetic traits like dark circles under the eyes.

Causes of swollen eyes

There are numerous causes of swollen eyelids – ranging from mild to potentially sight-threatening conditions.

Allergies: Eye allergies occur when your immune system overreacts to a foreign substance, called an allergen. Pollen, dust, pet dander, certain eye drops and contact lens solutions are some of the most common eye allergens. An allergic reaction to makeup also is a known culprit of swollen eyes. Eye allergies develop when your eyes release chemical “mediators” to protect your eyes from allergens to which you are sensitive.

The most common is histamine, which causes blood vessels in your eyes to dilate and swell, mucous membranes to itch and your eye to become red and watery.

Conjunctivitis: Also called “pink eye,” conjunctivitis is inflammation of the clear lining of the surface of the eye, called the conjunctiva. Allergic, bacterial and viral types of pink eye can all result in swollen eyelids, among other symptoms such as watery, red and itchy eyes.

Styes: Usually appearing as a swollen, reddish bump on the edge of an eyelid, styes are caused by bacterial infection and inflammation of a meibomian gland. When these oil-producing glands get blocked, eyelid swelling is a typical symptom.

Treatment of swollen eyes

Generally, if your swollen eyes are due to allergies, antihistamine eye drops or oral allergy medication, as well as lubricating “artificial tears” will help relieve symptoms. Your Eye Care Professional also may recommend mild steroid drops for more severe allergic reactions. Other causes, such as infection like conjunctivitis or ocular herpes, respond well to anti-viral or anti-inflammatory eye drops or ointments, or antibiotics. Minor bouts of swollen eyelids can be eased with home remedies. First and foremost, avoid rubbing your eyes as this will only aggravate your condition. Applying a cool compress sometimes can reduce eyelid swelling, as well as splashes of cold water to your closed lids. If symptoms continue or worsen, or if you experience any pain in your eye, seek professional help, to rule out a more sinister cause of your swollen eyes.

4 tips for preventing swollen eyes

  1. Get tested for allergies. If swollen eyelids and other symptoms of allergies are a regular occurrence, get yourself allergy tested. By knowing what you’re allergic to, you can try to avoid specific allergens or, at the very least, minimise your exposure to them.
  2. Choose makeup and other beauty products that are hypoallergenic and fragrance-free to help avoid allergic flare-ups. You can also do a patch test on the inside of your wrist before using the makeup on your face to rule out any allergic reaction.
  3. When using eye drops, look for preservative-free eye drops. While preservatives in regular eye drops inhibit bacterial growth, some people are allergic to these preservatives.
  4. If you wear contact lenses, you can minimise your risk of eye infection or irritation by practicing proper hygiene techniques, including frequent replacement of your contact lenses and contact lens case.
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